Tuesday, February 8, 2011

North Georgia Animal League Visits Gilbert

Ms. Chelsea from the Walker County Public Library brought a special presentation by the North Georgia Animal League to Gilbert Elementary.  Each year Terry Catlett and Dave the Story Dog come calling. They bring in books to read to our children in grades kindergarten and third that teach them how to care for their special pet.  The children love the experience and leave the presentation with a promise to care for their own pets by providing for their physical and emotional needs. 

Ms. Chelsea provided every child with a flyer for the upcoming events at the public library.  She was excited to see many familiar faces as the kindergarten and third grade students raised their hands to let her know that they have visited during her special events.  The next event on the calendar is a Valentine's Day celebration.  The children are eager to have the opportunity to go to the library and work with this wonderful story teller with this and her many other presentations.

Submitted by Kelly Massey