Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gilbert's Teacher of the Year!

Each year, every school in Walker County has the privilege of choosing a member of their faculty to participate in the county's Teacher of the Year event. Gilbert's teachers were asked to nominate one of their peers to receive this honor and represent our school. Many dedicated teachers were nominated. The competition was narrowed down to the top three vote earners.  Congratulations to Mrs. Brooks, Mr. Lemons, and Mrs. Swanson!  After a final round of voting, we are happy to announce Gilbert's Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Leigh Brooks.

Mrs. Brooks is currently our fourth grade Writing and Science teacher. She has been with Gilbert's students and faculty for the past fourteen years. Mrs. Brooks has taught both Kindergarten and fourth grades. She is a wonderful asset to our staff and an inspiring teacher for her students. We all wish her well as she represents Gilbert in the county's Teacher of the Year event.
Mr. Harris presents Mrs. Brooks with a flower arrangement.