Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Red Ribbon Week October 24-28, 2011

What is Red Ribbon Week?

The Red Ribbon Week Celebration is a drug and alcohol abuse awareness campaign observed annually throughout the nation during the last full week in October. While Red Ribbon Week is not meant to serve as a prevention or early intervention program, it is meant to promote an awareness of, and hopefully reduce, illegal drug/substance use and abuse in our country.

It's Up to Me to Be Drug Free!

No use of illegal drugs, no illegal use of legal drugs!

Gilbert Elementary will celebrate our annual "Red Ribbon Week" next week, October 24-28. We invite you to dress up each day in observance of Red Ribbon Week. Each day has a slogan, so have fun as you dress up to match the theme!

 Monday, October 24th
United We Stand for a Drug Free Land
(blue jeans with red and/or white)

Tuesday, October 25th
Team Up Against/ Put a Cap on Drugs
(your favorite team's jersey & a favorite hat)

 Wednesday, October 26th
Drugs & I Don't Mix
(mismatched clothes/socks)

Thursday, October 27th
It's Groovy to Be Drug Free
(60's & 70's clothes)

Friday, October 28th
Say Boo to Drugs
(favorite book character)