Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter Weather

A Note about Winter Weather

Parents please be advised that students will continue to go outside for recess using the following guidelines:
  • If the temperature feels like 25 degrees and above, we will have outdoor recess (20 minutes).
  • If the temperature feels like 16-25 degrees, we will have an abbreviated outdoor recess (5-10 minutes).
  • If the temperature feels like 15 degrees and below, we will have inside recess.
On cold days, students should dress appropriately. Hoodies and sweatshirts are fine for mild weather. However, coats should be worn if it's colder than 45 degrees. Toboggans and gloves are acceptable. Please take a moment to write your child's name or initials inside his or her coat to prevent lost items.

If schools should close due to inclement weather, families will be notified using School Cast. Please be sure to update your School Cast information if your information should change. Contact the school for further information on updating contact numbers. School closings will also be announced on local television and radio stations.