Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Donor's Choose Opportunity...

Gilbert has been very fortunate this year with the addition of Mr. Ray McWhorter as our Science Lab teacher. He is a very dedicated and hands-on teacher who shares his enthusiasm with our Gilbert Gators. Mr. McWhorter has recently added a project request to a program called Donors Choose. is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. Public school teachers from every corner of America post classroom project requests on our site, and you can give any amount to the project that most inspires you.

When a project reaches its funding goal, we ship the materials to the school. You'll get photos of the project taking place, a letter from the teacher, and insight into how every dollar was spent. Give over $50 and you'll also receive hand-written thank-yous from the students.
~Information from Donor's

Here's Mr. McWhorter's Project:

There are over 250 acres of woodlands available to our students in property adjacent to our school campus. This is a valuable resource with many opportunities that others do not have. Therefore we would like to use this outdoor setting to teach science lessons in ecology, environmentalism, animal habitats, biology, hydrology, and soil conservation. The requested materials will be used to help identify and study the wildlife that is abundant on this property. The trail cameras will supplement the track traps that the students are already building and placing around the property. The binoculars will be used for bird watching and identifying. The guides will be used to help identify animal tracks made and the birds observed in this outdoor classroom. This outdoor classroom and resources will enable students to learn through observation. The students will develop strategies and skills for information gathering and problem solving. 
Many of our students have never had the opportunity to be immersed in a woodlands setting. It is important for students to understand and appreciate the abundance of wildlife and how people can impact/influence this environment. This type of hands on learning experience requires tools and resources. Through these experiences, students will increase team building skills, hone their observation skills, and improve identification skills. As an added bonus, students will get exercise while learning.
For more information or to help fund the project visit Donor's Choose by clicking here.