Monday, October 26, 2015

Red Ribbon Week 2015

We will be observing our annual “Red Ribbon Week” celebration during the week of October 26th – October 30th, 2015. In observance of Red Ribbon Week, we will have dress up theme days Monday – Friday of that week. These theme days are as follows:
  • Monday, October 26th = “Team Up Against Drugs” – dress in your team attire
  • Tuesday, October 27th = “Be A Hero, Not A Zero: Don’t Do Drugs” – dress as your favorite super-hero
  • Wednesday, October 28th = “Don’t Let Drugs Ruin Your Dreams” – wear your pajamas to school
  • Thursday, October 29th = “Say Boo To Drugs” – dress as your favorite book character
  • Friday, October 30th = “Wear Red Day” – dress in red to support Red Ribbon Week

What is Red Ribbon Week?

The Red Ribbon Week Celebration is a drug and alcohol abuse awareness campaign observed annually throughout the nation during the last full week in October each year. It is meant to promote awareness of and, hopefully, reduce illegal drug/substance use and abuse in our country. Red Ribbon Week is also a week that honors the life of DEA Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena who spent his adult life fighting the war on drugs and the Mexican drug cartel. Unfortunately, he lost his life in the line of duty and Red Ribbon Week originally began in his community as a remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice he made for this cause.

This Year’s Red Ribbon Week Theme: “Respect yourself. Be drug free.”

The Red Ribbon Pledge: “ No use of illegal drugs, no illegal use of legal drugs!”