Monday, November 2, 2015

November is Parent Engagement Month

November is Parent Engagement Month

Get the facts...
  • Governor Nathan Deal has declared November as Parent Engagement Month
  • Our Parent Involvement Coordinator (Mrs. Debbie Frye) has made a free calendar available to serve as a reminder that parents play a critical role in the lives of children and their education.
  • Every student in Georgia should have a strong support system that values and encourages educational achievement. There's no better person to offer this support system than parents!
Get connected...
  • The calendar has been designed as a tool for parents to GET INVOLVED and stay connected in their children's education.
  • Check your school's website for the latest news of what's going on at Gilbert.
  • Help your child with homework!
  • Read weekly newsletters from your child's teachers.
  • Attend a parent-teacher conference.
  • Sign up for Remind 101.
  • Sign up for Class Dojo.
Get involved!

It's a great time for all parents to consider how they can get more involved in their children's education. Want to know what makes a huge difference in your child's education? YOU do and so does every parent that gets involved and stays connected. 

It doesn't matter where you are, on the scene at school or behind the scenes at home, your participation is a crucial part of your child's success. Show your child you care by volunteering, making school important, and having high expectations for your child!