Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CRCT Testing Tips for Parents

CRCT Testing Tips for Parents

How Can You Help Your Child Do His/Her Best?

Parents, here are things you can do to help your children be as successful as possible on the CRCT.
  • Make sure your children get a good night's sleep each night before testing.
  • Feed your child a healthy breakfast! If mornings are rushed at your house, breakfast is served at Gilbert each morning from 7:10 - 7:40 a.m.
    • Get them to school on time. When they are late or rush in at the last minute, it is hard to get calm and focused for testing. Testing begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. School begins at 7:45 a.m. Plan to be there early if your child needs to eat breakfast.
    • Check to see that your child has at least 2 number 2 pencils. Mechanical pencils are not allowed.
    •  If you must schedule appointments, schedule them for afternoon so that students do not miss testing. Students who test in their own classrooms and at the normal testing time are more likely to perform up to their full capabilities. While we do provide make-ups sessions, they are sometimes in unfamiliar settings.
    • Help your children stay relaxed. Some students suffer from test anxiety, but feel reassured when we stay calm and tell them we have faith in them and know they will do their best.
     CRCT Testing Schedule

    Monday, April 18

    Tuesday, April 19
    English - Language Arts

    Wednesday, April 20

    Thursday, April 21

    Friday, April 22
    Social Studies