During our lives heart diseases have increased. Many private clubs, civic organizations, and social groups have stressed the need for every person to become more physically fit. For the 20th year, the American Heart Association is sponsoring "Hoops for Heart", which is a basketball skills activity. The students at Gilbert Elementary have been participating in the program in P.E. classes, March 11-16. We are asking each student to collect donations for this worthy cause -"To Help Cure Heart Disease". Our school goal is to collect $1,000.
Go visit parents, grandparents, family and friends, and ask them to support you with a contribution. DO NOT COLLECT DOOR-TO-DOOR. Ask your sponsors to make their checks payable to: American Heart Assoc. Donations may also be made online @ www.heart.org/hoops. We will be collecting donations until Friday, March 20th. You do NOT have to return the Parent Permission form. Please bring your money and online receipts to school in the envelope provided by the American Heart Association, with student's name, teacher's name, and give them to Coach Neal.
Keep on Hooping it UP!
Coach Greg Neal